Following a healthy lifestyle is the best and safest way to control blood pressure
Keeping blood pressure under control significantly reduces the risk of life threatening complications.To do that it is important to incorporate changes in life style,eating and living habits,incorporating these techniques will ensure that you live a happier and longer life.
Control your WEIGHT
Water Therapy:
Even modern medicine advices that hypertension should be treated by an increase in daily water intake. Lack of adequate water intake dehydrates the cells.Place a big jug near your desk so you are constantly reminded to drink from it.
Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily.After you get up from bed in the morning,drink 1 liter of water i.e.,2 to 3 glasses.Try to avoid drinking water during a meal.
Laughter Therapy
It is important to laugh at least thrice a day.A hearty laugh emanating from the belly elevates the mind,body and the entire nervous system to ideal natural balance and negates deficiencies and aliments.Laughing is also the key to de-stress the mind and also improves a person's general outlook and demeanor.
Following a healthy lifestyle is the best and safest way to control blood pressure.
Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in potassium,magnesium and calcium like potatoes,tomatoes,bananas,dried apricots,orange,nuts,seeds,dried beans and peas.Reduce the intake of salt in your diet.Control your caffeine and sugar consumption.Both increase the amount of potassium that is excreted by the kidney.Totally avoid alcohol,caffeine and tobacco.If you are a smoker,then start by reducing the numbers of cigarettes you smoke each day.
Identify the origins of your stress and deal with them calmly rather than worrying.Practice an asana and pranayama daily to control your weight and improve your muscle tone.Maintain regular sleep patterns.Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
Here is a list that gives the blood glucose ranges for adults with diabetes.
less than7.0%
2)Pre prandial plasma glucose(before a meal)
90-130 mg/dl(5.0-7.2mmo|/|)
3)Postprandial plasma glucose(after a meal)
less than 180 mg/dl(less than10.0mmo|/|)
4)Blood pressure
less than100mg/dl(lessthan2.6mmo|/|)
less than150mg/dl(lessthan1.7mmo|/|)
less than40mg/dl(lessthan1.1mmo|/|)
The American Diabetes Association
Required for multiplication and maturation's of red cells
Normal daily requirements.
50-200mg/day(in pregnancy)
Dietary Source
Dificiency symptoms
Megaloblastic anaemia often seen in children & pregnant women glossitic,loss of appetite and diarrhoeaDosage in deficiency states
5 mg/day orally for 4-6 weeks
Know these facts and figures on drinking WATER. pH must be - 6.5 - 8.5 Residual chlorine must be - 1.5 mg/l Fluoride must be - 1.5 mg/l Nitrate must be - 45 mg/l Iron must be - 0.3 mg/l Hardness must be - 300 - 600 mg/l Chloride must be - 250 - 1000 mg/l Ammonia must be NIL Coliform bacteria must be NIL
HEALTH HAZARDS IF IT IS MORE Hardness(Calcium and magnesium) - Magnesium has diuretic,cathartic and laxative effects if present in excess. Chloride - Indicates potential contamination from septic systems,landfills or road salt. Fluoride - Excess levels causes fluorosis,a mottling of teeth. Nitrate - Causes blue baby syndrome in infants and increases CANCER RISK. Sulfate - Causes diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders Lead - Causes brain damage and death Chromium - Skin rashes, lung cancer
Nutritional tags on food packets or containers provide information on the nutrients in food product.Nutrient criteria for these shelf tags are based on FDA labeling criteria and the Dietary Guidelines are as under:
If the Shelf tag says it's..... ......then it has this(per serving)
Low Calorie
40 calories or less
Calorie Free
less than 5 calories.
Low Fat
3 grams or less of fat.
Fat Free less than 1/2 gram of fat.
Low saturated Fat 1 gram or less.
Low Cholesterol 20 mg or less and 2 grams or less of saturated Fat
Cholesterol Free Less than 2 mg and 2grams of saturated Fat
Low Sodium 140 mg or less
Very Low Sodium 35 mg or less.
Sugar Free less than 1/2 grams of Sugar.
Good Source of Fiber 2.5 grams or more
Lean less than 10 grams of total fat
Source:Publix Super Market Brochure on Nutrition Facts.
WEIGHT(kg)- 62-66.
HEIGHT(feet&inches)-5' 8".
HEALTH DIGEST. A few walnuts may be good for heart. A handful of walnuts a day could keep heart disease at bay.Scientists have shown that snacking on the nuts can prevent fatty foods from damaging arteries.It is thought walnuts are rich in nutrients that reduce hardening of the arteries,one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.The Spanish research showed that walnuts provide even more protection than Olive oil,feted for its ability to ward off heart disease. Agencies.
Chinese proverb He who takes medicine and neglects his diet wastes the skill of his doctors.
Experts invent float that helps you walk on water Two thousand years after a certain carpenter from Galilea pulled it off, a Spanish company has developed a somewhat less miraculous, if still impressive,way to walk on water. As described in the web news journal Diariodelbiza, the company vehiculos con ingenio or transportation with imagination began selling its new contraception a month ago that allows people using it literally to walk on water. The contraception is an air-filled large plastic sphere with a special hatch to help users climb on to it. The device allows users to "run on the waves, if they can balance themselves", the company's website claims.Diariodelibza said the company specializes in innovative forms of transportation that are "practical. inexpensive and ecologically sound". Dozens of the spheres have already been sold to lovers of extreme sports and orders are coming in fast, the journal said.
A surgeon at Riverside Methodist Hospital,Columbus, Ohio,USA, has successfully used a less-invasive, textile based stent-graft with a Gore-Tex membrane to treat a patient with peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
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