Friday, March 14, 2008


VACUUM BAGGING AND COMPOSITE TOOLING AIRTECH is the world�s leading manufacturer of vacuum bagging and composite tooling for resin infusion and hand lay-up processing. We have products from our inexpensive "Econo" line to our more advanced materials for use in high temperature ovens and autoclaves. Our products are used in temperatures ranging from room temperature to 395oC (750oF). We Manufacture in Huntington Beach, California and Differdange, Luxembourg , with converting and distribution in Rochdale, England. All facilities are ISO 9001:2000 certified and maintain a very capable R&D department and training facilities. Our Products are used in the aircraft/aerospace, wind power, marine, automotive, racing and general composites industries. We also service the Printed Circuit Board Industry and details on our release products and press pads can be found at Our products include nylon film, vacuum bagging rubber, infusion mesh, peel ply, release film, breather, sealant tape and all vacuum connections. Our composite tooling includes epoxy infusion resins, epoxy prepregs, cyanate prepregs for ultra high temperature use, wet lay-up resins and composite tubing back-up structures. For further information go to the Request for Information Form above and send us your requirements. You can also download our catalog or we can send you a hard copy or CD-ROM version if requested. By clicking Order Airtech Products Online above, you can purchase small quantities today. Thank you for you interest and feel free to contact us at any time. Corporate Headquarters Airtech International, Inc. 5700 Skylab Road Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Phone: 714-899-8100 Fax: 714-899-8179 Office Hours: M-F 7:00am to 4:00pm PST

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