We are an Ecuadorian company with more than 15 years in the market, we are located in Manta city, Manabí.
We produce and commercialize tagua and coconut products such as buttons, jewelry pieces and corozo blanks.
We promote the balance between the commercial activity and the ecosystem preserving the humid tropical forest.
Generate preference for natural and ecological by means of the use of bellboys of vegetable ivory.
Let the people know an Ecuadorian product such as tagua.
Promote the creation of small business.
In the ecuadorian tropical forest there is a plant named Tagua. It is a palm of the ciclantacea family.
Its cientific name is Phytelephas Aequatorialis.
Etimologically Phytelephas comes from greek Phyton=plant and Elephas=Elephant, it means Ivory plant or Ivory nut.
It grows in the wild in places called �taguales�. The Tagua or vegetal ivory, is the cellulosic seed of the Phytelephas. It is white, hard, heavy, smooth and opaque but if you polish it, gets a nice shine. It is odorless and insipid, but is not elastic as the real ivory.
The tagua nut can be collected after 14 or 15 years the palm is planted. The palm can be harvested three times in the year. A palm not taller than 2 meters (6.6 feet) it is about 35 or 40 years old. They use to produce in a year about 15 to 16 heads, also known as �mocochas�. Each �mococha� have around 40 to 50 seeds.
With these pieces you can develop the creativity and make accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts, etc. The products are elaborated in a crafty and automatic way, their quality makes them unique.
Ecological Product.
The quality makes it a unique product.
Variety of models and colors.
# C.C. Galerias el Bosque Locales #2 y 7, Av. Al Parque # Phone: ++593-2-2254386 / 2277403 # Fax: ++593-2-435927 # Quito # E-mail: taguaz@interactive.net.ecBOTONTAGUA.
# Av. 10 de Agosto N� 24-118 entre Colón y Cordero # Phone: ++593-2-2226552 / 2524309 # Movil: ++593-9-6167927 / 96167848 # Quito # E-mail: botontagua@puntonet.ecTAGUA STORE.
# Av. 113 detrás C.C. El Paseo Shopping # Phone: ++593-5-2926867 # Fax: ++593-5-2921266 # Manta # E-mail: ventas@bototagua.com
1 comment:
a very comprehensive blog on the textiles and related technologies. I wish I had come across it when I was studying polymers at school:) Nonetheless,I'd ask my engineer friends to learn from it.
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