Thursday, August 15, 2019

[ Nano Fiber.]

Nanofibers are submicron-sized fibres whose diameter is 50 - 500 nm, with the prefix nano - meaning a billionth of a basic unit (ten to the minus ninth). Often the diameter is the thickness of several atoms.
Nanofibers are not visible under normal microscopes, as their diameter is smaller than the wavelength of light. Such exceptionally small fibres can only be seen and photographed by electron microscopes.

To help visualize this, imagine that the ratio of the average size of a nanofiber to a football is comparable to the ratio of the size of that same football to the earth. Nanofibers can be utilized in healthcare materials and in future will be utilized infiltration, environment, cosmetics, medicine, hygiene, energy, IT, nanocomposites, composites and protective wear.

Nanofiber properties:
* a large specific surface
* high porousness and small pore size
* nanofiber diameter: 100 - 500 nm
* basic weight: 0,05 - 5 g/m2
* transparent
* excellent mechanical properties in relation to their weight

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