Wednesday, September 18, 2019

[ Technical Textiles - Uniqlo’s third annual LifeWear Day exhibition in London. ]

LONDON-At Uniqlo’s third annual Life-wear Day exhibition in London yesterday. 

The Japanese fashion firm announced two new initiatives in collaboration with 
long-standing partner Toray that will look to recycle and re-use both down and 
PET plastic.Later this month, the company will trial collection points exclusively 
in its native stores across Japan to measure the feasibility and scale at which 
it can claim back and rejuvenate products which integrate down that would 
otherwise be at its end-of-life. 
Toray claims to have developed an autonomous down extraction system capable 
of cutting, separating and recovering Uniqlo’s Ultra Light Down products at a rate 
50 times faster than if it were manually extracted and repurposed.

The company counts this, and its efforts to repurpose recycled PET plastic 
into new Dry-Ex fibres, as work that will boost its prospects of achieving 
its sustainability targets. By 2020 the firm wants 85 per cent of single use 
plastics to be eradicated from production; this aligning with an ambition to 
introduce Dry-Ex garments to market by the start of next year.

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