Thursday, November 3, 2022

[ Technical Textiles Market, Global.]

India has a Global & National Market. The countries of many in this global supermarket are out to only one super objective or intent. We all know their purpose whatever the super plans may be. The technical textile technocrats of the country have a single super mind and that is India has to be a market to meet the Technical Textile markets affordable by any country and a trusted producer of technical textiles of all needs commercially for apparel and functional uses and applications.

The government of India has approved National Technical Mission which will complete it's term in 2023-2024. How much of the mission's agenda has been completed and if all the areas of mission's goal is completed needs to be updated by the mission.
Though a provision is made for developing skill in technical textiles there are no dedicated technical textile universities in India which can roll out diploma/degree/masters, students for serving in any technical textiles mills. Many mills whose production for example is towels of different weaves like turkey towels,Canvas cloth,Bandage Cloth and non woven production may be selling these products as technical cloth as Government of India has not set any STANDARDS for Technical Textiles by the BIS,as in the case of cotton cloths of export quality.
Setting up standards is super urgent so also a Research Center for Nano Technology applications in coated textile functional fabrics of all fibers.

Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny introduces 176 different research projects from around the world that are exploring the different areas of nanotechnologies. Using interviews and descriptions of the projects, the collection of essays provides a unique commentary on the current status of the field. From flexible electronics that you can wear to nanomaterials used for cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, the book gives a new perspective on the current work into developing new nanotechnologies. Each chapter delves into a specific area of nanotechnology research including graphene, energy storage, electronics, 3D printing, nanomedicine, nanorobotics as well as environmental implications. Through the scientists' own words, the book gives a personal perspective on how nanotechnologies are created and developed, and an exclusive look at how today's research will create tomorrow's products and applications. This book will appeal to anyone who has an interest in the research and future of nanotechnology.

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