Wednesday, April 19, 2023

[ Cooling and drying on the go: The latest in nanoengineered textiles.]

(Nanowerk Spotlight) The outdoor environment has 
become an indispensable aspect of our daily lives, 
serving as a venue for a plethora of activities, including 
recreation, sports, and leisure, as well as work-related 
endeavors. However, the increasingly frequent extreme weather 
events caused by climate change have made personal comfort in 
outdoor spaces a critical consideration for human health and 
sustainable development.
During outdoor physical activity , the human body acts as 
an internal heat source, exchanging heat and sweat with the 
surrounding environment through textiles, which serve as the 
second skin. Personal comfort involves three stages: precise 
regulation of the microenvironment between the skin and textiles; 
the internal section of the textiles; and the macroenvironment
between the textiles and the ambient environment.

Generally, there exist four primary avenues for achieving 
personal cooling and drying: radiation, conduction, convection, 
and sweat evaporation. These four pathways work in tandem to bring 
about optimal personal comfort in real-world situations, albeit with 
varying degrees of significance depending on the prevailing outdoor 
environmental conditions.

Personal cooling and drying in outdoor sunny or rainy environments
Personal cooling and drying in outdoor sunny or rainy environments. 
Advanced functional textiles offer personal thermal and moisture 
comfort through various pathways, such as solar reflection, 
HBIR emission / transmission, heat conduction, waterproofness, 
breathability, and directional water transport. (Reprinted with 
permission from Wiley-VCH Verlag)

The human body's most fundamental physiological defense 
against overheating during physical exertion in hot outdoor 
environments is the evaporation of sweat. However, two 
substantial challenges must be contended with to achieve 
optimal personal cooling and drying in outdoor settings: 
the heat input from exposure to sunlight and the intrusion 
of rainwater.

Addressing these challenges necessitates the development of 
advanced functional textiles capable of reflecting solar 
radiation, facilitating heat dissipation, and resisting 
water intrusion, while still permitting the crucial process 
of sweat evaporation to take place.

The intricate process of personal cooling and drying involves 
the interrelated release and absorption of sweat by the textile, 
resulting in evaporative cooling and heat generation, 
respectively. The design of advanced functional textiles for 
this purpose demands careful consideration of their thermal, 
optical, structural, and specialized wetting properties. Unlike 
conventional cooling methods, these textiles provide localized 
management of body thermal and moisture levels, without the 
need for excessive energy consumption to cool and dry the 
entire indoor living space.

Advanced functional textiles developed for personal thermal 
and moisture comfort Advanced functional textiles developed 
for personal thermal and moisture comfort in both research 
and industry. 
(Reprinted with permission from Wiley-VCH Verlag)

Functional textiles also enhance human comfort in 
outdoor activities that require cooling, warming, or 
drying, resulting in improved comfort levels and 
increased productivity in outdoor work.
Furthermore, there is the potential for functional 
textiles to be integrated with IoT devices for a range 
of applications, including healthcare, sports, and fashion, 
demonstrating how nanotechnology can be used to create smart 
textiles that can provide real-time data on various metrics.
The integration of advanced functional textiles with 
nanotechnology is currently underway to provide better 
personal cooling and drying performance in outdoor 
environments, endowing textiles with various high-quality 

There are many examples of this has been achieved in 
various ways. For example, infrared radiation is a primary 
way the body releases heat and is the focus of a novel 
textile technology for a fabric that can automatically 
regulate the amount of heat that passes through it depending 
on conditions. For example, when conditions are warm and moist, 
such as those of a sweating body on a summer day, the fabric 
allows infrared radiation (radiant heat) to pass through. 
When conditions become cooler and drier, the fabric reduces 
the heat that escapes. Infrared radiation is a primary way 
the body releases heat and is the focus of this new technology.
researchers have demonstrated smart fabrics that generate 
electricity and support temperature regulation through cooling. 

It is now also possible to fabricate omniphobic textiles 
(which are repellent to oils, water, and dust) that can 
protect you from rain, stains, and bacteria, while they 
harvest the biomechanical energy of the user to power 
textile-based electronics.

In yet another example, researchers have have spun 
recycled polyethylene into fibers and yarns designed 
to wick away moisture. Woven into silky, lightweight 
fabrics the yarns absorb and evaporate water more quickly 
than common textiles such as cotton, nylon, and polyester.
A recent review article in Advanced Functional Materials 
("Nanoengineered Textiles for Outdoor Personal Cooling 
and Drying") discusses recent advancements in the 
development of nanoengineered textiles for outdoor 
personal cooling and drying.

The article also provides insights into the mechanisms 
of heat dissipation and water transport, which work 
synergistically to create a comfortable microenvironment 
for the human body.

While there are still gaps in practical applications, 
this review highlights the potential for these textiles 
to improve outdoor living quality and labor productivity 
while satisfying increasing demands for health, safety, 
and sustainability.

In general, nanoengineering techniques can be used to 
enhance the functionality of textiles, such as thermal 
conductivity, optical scattering, special wettability, 
antibacterial properties, and electrical conductivity.
Textile researchers and industry use three primary methods 
to create nanoengineered textiles with nanoporous, 
nanofibrous, and nanocomposite structures, which are 
discussed in detail in the review:

The first method involves adding nanoporous functional 
layers to traditional textiles using nanoporous coating 
and laminating, which are simple processes that preserve 
textile strength.

The second method is nanofiber spinning, a scalable and 
straightforward manufacturing technique that produces 
nanofibrous textiles with customizable fiber structures 
and functionality.

Finally, nanocomposite coating and embedding are used 
to prepare nanocomposite textiles by introducing 
nanomaterials onto the fiber surface or into the 
fibers themselves. In this case, the textile's 
performance depends on the introduced nanomaterials, 
such as functional nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanosheets.
The authors proceed to delve into detailed discussions 
concerning nanoengineered textiles designed for two 
specific outdoor purposes: personal cooling and personal 
drying. Each topic is dedicated its own thorough section.
Personal cooling

The human body regulates its temperature through various 
processes such as sweating and dilating skin capillaries. 
However, in extreme weather conditions or intense exercise, 
it becomes difficult for the body to maintain its thermal 
balance. Nanoengineered textiles have been developed as an 
external method of regulating body temperature by 
dissipating accumulated heat without consuming external 
energy. This section provides a systematic review of the 
mechanisms of heat dissipation in nanoengineered textiles 
and how they are prepared.

Radiative cooling textiles with spectral selectivity: 
Developing outdoor clothing that keeps you cool by 
reflecting sunlight and radiating body heat is a challenge 
for designers. This requires creating materials that reflect 
sunlight well but also allow the body to release heat to 
the environment. To achieve this, the clothing needs to 
have high reflectance in the solar region (0.3-2.5 µm) but 
allow for high transmittance and emittance in the body's 
heat infrared (HBIR) region (7-14 µm). This design is 
challenging because it requires fine-tuning the material's 
optical properties across a wide range of wavelengths.

Conductive cooling textiles with high thermal conductivity: 
The layer of fabric that touches our skin affects how 
efficiently our clothes can cool us down. Traditional 
fabrics like cotton, wool, PET, and nylon have low thermal 
conductivity, which means they're not very effective at 
dissipating heat when our body temperature increases. 
This can make us feel hot and uncomfortable. To improve 
this, researchers have added thermally conductive fibers 
like boron nitride nanosheets, carbon nanotubes, and 
graphene to fabrics. These fibers have high thermal 
conductivity and can help dissipate heat more effectively, 
which can make us feel cooler and more comfortable.

Advanced functional textiles developed for personal 
thermal and moisture comfort Nanoengineered textiles 
with enhanced thermal conductivity for outdoor personal 
conductive cooling. Shown here is the heat dissipation 
process of a thermally conductive BNNSs/PVA textile for 
personal cooling. (Reprinted with permission from Wiley-
VCH Verlag)Personal drying

Outdoor personal drying refers to how our bodies get rid of 
sweat and water vapor efficiently to maintain comfort when 
we're sweating. When our body temperature goes up, we sweat 
to cool ourselves down. If it's raining outside, it's harder 
for the sweat to evaporate and we might feel uncomfortable. 
But if it's sunny, we might sweat more than our body can handle, 
making us feel uncomfortable as well.

Scientists are looking at how plants and animals repel water 
to help them design new fabrics that help us sweat and 
evaporate water better. These biomimetic special wettabilities 
provides researchers with nature-inspired solutions for 
the functional design of nanoengineered textiles. The most 
famous are the superhydrophobic lotus leaf effect with a 
self-cleaning property and the superhydrophobic legs of 
water striders that are covered with microscale bristles 
that allow them to stand and walk freely on water surfaces.

Some biological surfaces, such as those found on beetles, 
cacti, spider silk, and bird beaks, have unique micro and 
nanoscale structures that allow them to transport water in 
a specific direction. These structures include anisotropic 
wettability, curvature gradient, and surface energy gradients. 
These organisms have evolved these structures to survive in 
harsh environments, such as deserts, and they can collect water 
droplets from fog or capture water using a capillary ratchet 
mechanism. These examples from nature could inspire the 
development of new materials with directional water 
transport capabilities.

What researchers have learned from this is that, when 
designing materials that are inspired by nature and have 
unique water-repelling or water-attracting properties, 
it's important to consider both the material's properties 
and its micro and nanostructures. There are two main ways 
to do this: by creating structures that are hierarchical 
(meaning they have different levels of organization), 
which can make the material more effective at repelling or 
attracting water, and by arranging the structures in a way 
that causes water to move in a particular direction.

The authors then go on to describe examples of waterproof 
and breathable textiles with superhydrophobicity and 
directional water transport textiles with wettability 
gradient. Finally, they describe examples of biomimetic 
transpiration textiles that were designed to realize 
synergistic personal cooling and drying.

For instance, one example of a biomimetic transpiration 
textile for highly efficient personal drying and cooling is 
based on the hierarchical and interconnected network of 
vascular plants. The researchers found that the underlying 
mechanisms of transpiration in vascular plants and water 
transport in nanoengineered textiles are the same.

Specifically, the way plants release water from their leaves 
and the way nanoengineered fabrics can draw sweat away from our 
skin are actually quite similar. Both use a system of nanoscale 
tubes or fibers to move water from one place to another. 
Plants use this system to pump water and nutrients up from 
the ground and cool themselves down by releasing water from 
their leaves. Nanoengineered fabrics use a similar system to 
move sweat away from our skin and help us stay dry and cool.
In concluding their review, the authors point out four aspects 
of nanoengineered textiles that they suggest need to be 
further explored to promote their development toward practical 

Nanomaterial safety
Nanoengineered textiles that have great potential for outdoor 
cooling and drying potentially also raise concerns about human 
health risks and environmental impacts. Different methods of 
incorporating nanoparticles into textiles have been tried, 
but most suffer from poor adhesion or durability. Embedding 
nanoparticles into synthetic fibers during spinning can create 
a stable material, but direct-spinning technologies need 
reinforcement with traditional fabrics. A careful assessment 
of the benefits, risks, and life cycle of nanoengineered textiles 
is needed before they can be used practically.

Basic mechanisms

The exchange of heat and sweat through textiles that act as 
a second skin to connect the body to the environment is 
complex and intertwined. Therefore, nanoengineered textiles 
for outdoor cooling and drying need to be carefully designed 
based on a comprehensive understanding of the human body, 
microenvironment, textiles, and ambient macroenvironment. 
To optimize material selection and structural design, a 
microstructure model of heat and sweat exchange through 
textiles is needed to clarify the synergistic thermal and 
moisture management mechanism under various environmental conditions.

Evaluation standards

Scientists and engineers have developed various nanoengineered 
textiles for outdoor cooling and drying applications, and have 
evaluated their thermal and moisture management performance 
using different tests. However, it's unclear whether these 
performance parameters are effective for practical applications. 
Also, there's no universally adopted test standard for demonstrating 
the outdoor cooling and drying effects of nanoengineered textiles.
In practical application, the most direct evaluation standard is 
personalized comfort, which includes subjective opinions. Therefore, 
more tests involving personal experiences, such as breathing, sweating, 
and thermal manikin tests, should be widely used.

Smart thermal and moisture management systems

Scientists are developing smart textiles that use Internet of 
Things technologies, nanogenerators, sensors, solar cells, 
supercapacitors, and other flexible electronics to improve 
personal cooling and drying. These advanced textiles can collect 
real-time data from the microenvironment and macroenvironment, 
analyze it, and use it to regulate heat and sweat exchange 
according to personalized thermal and moisture comfort 
requirements in outdoor environments.

This technology can act as an intelligent platform to 
automatically improve personal comfort. The goal is to 
connect human physiology and psychological activities 
with smart textiles, making personal cooling and drying 
more efficient and effective. This technology represents a 
future direction for the next-generation of advanced textiles.
By Michael Berger – Michael is author of three books by the
Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible

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