Sunday, December 16, 2007


Welcome to Engineered Fibre Structures, a cutting-edge technical textiles consultancy and technology development company. We are located in Manchester, United Kingdom, birthplace of the global textiles industry and home of world class research and development.
Engineered Fibre Structures specializes in providing textile solutions for medical, healthcare, sportswear, personal protective equipment, industrial, engineering, aerospace, automotive and other technical applications. We are a knowledge based business with a unique blend of industrial, research, product design/ development expertise.
We are affiliated to the University of Manchester and are a leading company in the field of technical textiles with interests in medical textiles, intelligent textiles, smart textiles and electrically active textiles. We aid clients to accomplish their objectives through innovation in new product development and process development. The City of Manchester, known throughout the world for both its industrial heritage and its Universities, is currently experiencing regeneration at an extraordinary rate. Engineered Fibre Structures is very much at the forefront of this exciting regeneration and embraces the pioneering spirit of the founding fathers of Manchester Textile Industry.
Research and Development
Engineered Fibre Structures has a well established track record of providing research and development services in the following areas:
Knitting technology
Knitted technical textiles
Smart and intelligent fibre based products
New technologies for manufacturing
Rapid prototyping.
Technology Translation.

Our core expertise lies in the field of knitting technology, were we have a truly unique blend of industrial and research and design/ development based knowledge and skills. We have specialist knowledge in flat, circular and warp knitting and other textile technologies and their application for technical end uses. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to research and product development and bring together partners with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver tangible results.

Engineered Fibre Structures has been providing clients with textiles based solutions since 2001. As the demand for complex 3D fibrous structures for medical, healthcare, sportswear, personal protection, industrial, engineering, automotive and other technical applications has increased, we have developed products for many traditional textiles companies, enabling them to diversify into newly emerging technical textiles markets. Today many of our clients are medical, engineering and industrial companies to whom we provide textiles based solutions.

Engineered Fibre Structures is active in the development of future intelligent textiles, including electro-textiles, textile based switches and sensors with electro conductive pathways, heating textiles, textiles to manage ambient noise, and light emitting and electronic yarns and fabrics.

Innovation is the key driver of growth and creating and adopting new technologies allows companies to generate rapid and sustainable growth. Engineered Fibre Structures assists companies with the development and implementation of new products and technologies, giving them an important competitive edge in today's knowledge based economy.

We add value to businesses via wide ranging technical and scientific expertise and capabilities. We also partner companies in innovative ventures to access preferential research and development services and establish commercialization linkages. Our work is carried out with passion and enthusiasm, entrepreneurial spirit and integrity and has a strong commercial slant to it. research.

We combine proven scientific capabilities, resources and processes, with business development and marketing expertise to offer quality market focused research and development services across a range of specialist sectors.

We utilise superbly equipped technical knitting laboratories, specialist testing laboratories and SMART textiles laboratories. We focus on technical knitted structures for smart and intelligent textile structures and also carry out mathematical modelling of such fibre assemblies. We integrate knitting technology with other technologies and have extensive expertise in precision yarn delivery systems, 3D body scanning, 3D printing and 3D knitting. We also have the capability to develop CAD/CAM software systems.

Engineered Fibre Structures is a world leader in applying science and engineering to the world of textiles for technical and industrial applications. We excel in product and process development and evaluation services in the fields of fibre and textiles related products. An experienced staff of scientists and engineers combined with an infrastructure of laboratories and testing facilities enable Engineered Fibre Structures to offer its research and development capabilities to a variety of scientific fields such as:

Healthcare and Medical, including Orthopedics, Woundcare,Surgical and Personal Protective Equipment, including Military, Security and Industrial applications.

Automotive Engineering.
Machinery and equipment development.

Engineered Fibre Structures is widely experienced in the development of electrically active textiles for medical, automotive, personal protection and industrial applications. We have extensive knowledge in the areas of electronic yarns, light-emitting yarns, knitted switches and control textiles. We are also involved in the commercial exploitation of these technologies.

Our activities are multidisciplinary and include work on dry fibre processing and product performance mechanics and creation of novel fibre assemblies via the routes of knitting, embroidery and 3D printing. We are also involved in the integration of knitting technology with other technologies and the modelling and characterisation of fibrous structures.


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